“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.” Self improvement wasn’t just important for maximizing persons potential, but for living a fulfilled life. Living a fulfilled life requires a person to know what they want knowing what will make them happy. There is not much worse than living your life according to someone else’s idea of what will make you happy and then finding out at the last minute that it wasn’t for you. Self-improvement isn’t just about skills, it’s about learning.
People often give the advice to others, be yourself. What I suspect they mean isn’t just be yourself surely you are doing that already but be your best self. Know what you want and endeavor to do what it takes to get it. Don’t let fate or anything else unduly dictates to you who you should or shouldn’t turn out to be, be who you want to be. Get an idea of what your best self looks like and work towards it.
Without self-improvement, we had just drift along wherever the current might take us. Some few would happen to end up where they would have wanted to go had they stopped and thought about it, but most generally wouldn’t. For most of us, we need to continually reassess our lives and keep kicking in the direction we want to go. The fulfilled among us are those who feel there heading exactly in the direction they want to be, and self-improvement is the mechanism for getting us there.
At last I want to conclude with a thought “A lot of magic happens when you stop thinking in terms of “WHAT CAN I GAIN?” and start thinking in terms of “WHAT CAN I CONTRIBUTE?”