Education is one of the most vital part of our life. Every child has right on education. Today, India is the second largest network in the world. But still, education has been a problem in our country and lack has been blamed for hundred of years. There are so many people who stood up for changing our education system and of them is Rabindranath Tagore. He wrote a lengthy article about how Indian education system needs to be changed. Funny things is that after that time few things have changed but it doesn’t affect our system. We have established IITs, IIMs, law schools and other institution of excellence; student now score 90+ marks, still they find difficult to get a job of their choice.
Nowadays, students study only to clear exam or to crack exams like IIT, JEE, CLAT, but still they don’t understand the concept of their respective subjects. Its not their fault, its our fault and our system’s fault because we created this competition among them. Every parents need their child to score 90+ marks so that they can get a good job with a great amount of salary.
In schools, we learn so many new things but half of the time we never really face that things in a real world. We all have studied about our Indian history but what we really learned in history is about Mughals and Britishers. School never taught us in detail about the great leaders and kings like Guru Gobind Singh ji, Maharana Pratap, Peshwa Bajirao etc… Not only students but teachers and professor also don’t know too much about this leaders who are the actual pride of our country. We don’t know about our cultural and school never taught us the importance about our cultural. School never taught us the importance about Sanskrit language. We always make fun of Sanskrit but we don’t how much importance this language has. In a countries like Japan and China there are so many place where they always start their seminars with a Sanskrit slogans. But we can’t even say a slogan properly in Sanskrit. The two epic book Ramayana and Mahabharat were written in this language. We don’t know the importance of Bhagavad-Gita. Many famous people like Sunita Williams, Carl Jung, Aldous Huxley, Henry David Thoreau etc.. are inspired by Bhagavad-Gita, and it is also written in Sanskrit. People says that our Indian history is a mythology but, Sir APJ Abdul kalam had said that our history is not a mythology. Mahabharat was a real battle between kauravs and pandavas. But we never really learn about this in our schools. School teach knowledge but life required wisdom.
Although economy of the India is rising rapidly, but it cannot be taken as an indicator that everything is going well in our country. The productivity of this country is due to its youth. But, we go overseas to study further, you would find that we are lacking some of the most important things. Our education system is way to inferior as compared to the education system of other countries. The main reason of our poor education system is:
1. Promotion of Rat Race:
As we already know, In our country most of the parents want their child to score high marks and top position in their class or school. As soon as the results are declared they start comparing their marks with other kids. Because of this burden child just mug up from their text books. Once the examination is over whatever they had studied goes away with it.
2. Personality is Not Improved
Just because English as subject in the main course of the boards does not mean an Indian child can read and write properly in English subject. Indians do not insist on the persona of the student, their insistence is on their marks and grades.
3. Teachers are not Efficient
It is said that children learn the character traits of a person they are in contact with. So if teacher is not teaching efficient enough how we can expect students to be a brighter than him? Most of the youth in India doesn’t want to go in a teaching line as they thinks that there is no scope and not a good salary. Government needs to train teachers properly and pay them to their full potential.
4. Medium of Teaching
Parents in India thinks that if their children are going to English-medium schools, then it is a big achievement and they will be more smarter than other kids. However, very few people understand that medium of teaching has nothing to do with their respective subjects. All that is required is that student must be able to understand properly.
5. Innovation and Creativity is missing
Not all children are same. Not all are good in Science and Mathematics. There are so many children who has a very unique talents and it may bring them success. We need to understand that we don’t only want Doctors, Scientist and Engineers but we also need a dancers, musicians, actors, athletic, painters. Then only our country will achieve success in every field.