Confused Parenting means the condition when parents are confused that how to react or treat or behave with their kids. How to make the kids happy, how to make their requirements more valuable and many more questions arises while being a ‘parent’. They are struggling, frustrated and feeling overwhelmed as a ‘parent’, it may be because they are confused parent. Many mom’s and dad’s confuse god will for parenting with their own will.
Some of the plausible effect of parenting on associated mental health diagnoses. However, the approaching the article, an uneasy feeling was growing. All of the things they are doing wrong as a parent and that they should find comfort from that fact that “nobody knows what they’re doing when they leave the hospital with an infant. Every parents learns by trial and error”. Hopeful that the nation to remain confused may spark a movement in finally becoming that village everyone is always talking about that is required to raise a child. It may be confused village, but a village nonetheless.
“I think in almost every family you’re going to find some disagreements,” says Dr. Alan Ravitz, a child and adolescent psychiatrist. The important thing is to present a united front.
Foster Parents:-The foster parents are people who officially take a child into their family for a period, without becoming the child’s legal parents. The child is referred to as their foster child. The term foster parents itself is a fuzzy term, as are many of the concepts involved: motivation, income level of the family, and the health and behaviour of the child. To understand the fuzzy nature of these concepts is to understand the fuzzy nature of the foster parenting together.
There are mixed opinions about the motives of why to begin as foster parents. The foster parents themselves are confused as well, for most of them think they just wanted to open their heart and home for children living in needs of a safe and decent home. They just feel their motives is a sincere calling to help these children.
Parenting Styles:
A Parenting style is a psychological construct representing standard strategies that parents use in their child rearing. The quality of parenting is to spent time with their kids. They can spend their entire afternoon with their kids for an instance. But parents may be engaged in their different activities and not demonstrating enough interest towards their child. Parenting styles are the representation that how to respond and to make demands on their children. Parenting practices are special behaviour while parenting styles represent broad patterns of parenting practices.
Children go through different life stages, so parents creates their own styles from a combination of factors that evolve over time as children begin to develop their own responsibilities.
Four Types of parenting styles have identified by researchers:-