Happy, joyful, full of life, no pressure, freedom that’s all what we think when the word children comes to our mind and yea that’s the truth.
I in world full of factories, smoke, no place for house, we children were numbered, like for my class room we were numbered as 4423, 4424 and so on… we used to remember them. Do you remember nobita’s school, my school looked same like that, just smoke made everything dark. We all fifty students in the class were all same, nothing different, we scored same marks we made same drawing, same drawing because we did not had anything left for imagination, just more and more factories, more and more smoke. Playing soccer was just funny , both teams scored 10-10 everyday.
One day I saw a boy among us see something unusual every day and observing him doing the same thing was unusual for me also, he always see a dog running across the street, yeah that was fine but there was a railway track at sharp 10:40 the dog tries to cross the track but the running fast train kills him, its OK but the twist was that the same thing happened every day.
I realized, what we were doing was the same every day! Same marks, same score, same class, same drawing noting different finally our zipped mouth burst like a volcano, we produced anger, to do something different, what will we do of those marks, that appreciation, that clap if there is nothing different to do.
While running on streets I again found the boy waiting for dog, and yea the dog came, but this time there was difference, the boy ran fast and tried to save the dog but he got crashed while doing this.
He knew he was going to die, he was taking his last breath, but he laughed, he laughed very loud. That time I realized the difference was that we did not had freedom, we did not that anything to think upon all we had was a city full of smoke.
The script is just imaginary thing, but the point is not imaginary .
We are destroying our own world, we produce and purchase cars and bike every day , increasing of factories and increasing pollution every day. There are organisations, projects to support them. But the feeling of chilled cool air from our air conditioner and the money is stopping the public to think upon them.